Weight Loss

Exercise and autoimmune disease: A balancing act

Although autoimmune disease symptoms can vary depending on the tissue the immune system is attacking, most people with autoimmunity struggle with bouts of fatigue, energy “crashes,” brain fog, inflammation, and pain. These symptoms can throw a frustrating wrench in your exercise habit. Or if these reoccurring symptoms have prevented you from starting an exercise routine, …

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Staying thin is harder for young people than in the past

If you feel like you have a harder time staying slim than your grandparents did at your age, you are right. We are about 10 percent heavier than people in the 80s, even when we eat the same foods and exercise just as much. This may be due to changes in lifestyle and environmental factors …

Staying thin is harder for young people than in the past Read More »

Your thyroid test may be wrong. Here’s why.

If you’re getting your TSH levels checked to monitor your thyroid health, it’s best to get that done in the morning. Otherwise, your results may come back normal even though you have hypothyroidism. All the body’s hormones follow a daily rhythm, including thyroid hormone. This means there are times of the day when it naturally …

Your thyroid test may be wrong. Here’s why. Read More »

Cholesterol, good fats, bad fats, and heart health

Conventional medicine is slowly admitting that instead of fat, sugar and refined carbohydrates are the biggest sources of high cholesterol. Excess sugars and carbs drive good cholesterol down and triglycerides up, leading to the small, dangerous particles that encourage plaque buildup in the arteries. This contributes to heart disease and insulin resistance, or pre-diabetes. High …

Cholesterol, good fats, bad fats, and heart health Read More »

Can INFECTIONS disrupt THYROID Function?

  Most thyroid issues are autoimmune by nature. Around 70-80% of the autoimmunity issues can be traced to gut infections. On the flip side, having gut infections can increase the likelihood of an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune disease needs three things to occur. The three risk factors include genetic predisposition, intestinal permeability, and environmental triggers like …

Can INFECTIONS disrupt THYROID Function? Read More »

Plenty of sunlight needed for a good night’s sleep

It’s now common knowledge that nighttime exposure to computer, tablet, and TV screens sabotages sleep —the light they emit simulates sunlight, thus suppressing sleep hormones. However, plenty of daytime sunlight is vital for good sleep. Most of us don’t get near enough. Research shows the average person spends less than an hour a day outside. …

Plenty of sunlight needed for a good night’s sleep Read More »

Does your Lifestyle cause Thyroid dysfunction?

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that can surprisingly turn your life around for better or worse, depending on its current condition. To help it veer towards the benefit-laden side, lifestyle change is one of the approaches, especially in patients with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. In this article, we’re going to talk about how your lifestyle …

Does your Lifestyle cause Thyroid dysfunction? Read More »

Do you really understand your Thyroid Labs?

Do you really understand your thyroid labs, and why should you care? It’s important to know what is happening with your labs because knowing is power. Getting to the root cause of your problems can make a big difference in your health. When you have lab work performed, your results are compared to normal ranges. …

Do you really understand your Thyroid Labs? Read More »

Are you being exposed to Toxins that affect your Thyroid?

Your hypothalamus in your brain stimulates your pituitary gland to release TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). When your thyroid gland receives this hormone, it increases T4 production (inactive hormone), thus increasing T3 (active hormone) in the process. T4 is converted to T3 in the liver, gut and peripheral tissues. It then goes to the cell receptors …

Are you being exposed to Toxins that affect your Thyroid? Read More »

Do you have to be concerned with thyroid nutrition?

Let’s review some thyroid physiology before we get into nutrition. Learning how the thyroid works will help you understand how to take care of it. The hypothalamus is a portion of your brain that has sensors that can detect what is happening in the blood. The endocrine system is a group of organs that release …

Do you have to be concerned with thyroid nutrition? Read More »

Is your Thyroid Hormone being Converted to the active form?

Before we start understanding conversion, let’s take a look at the physiology of how the thyroid gland works. When your body senses that your thyroid hormone level is low, the hypothalamus tells the pituitary gland in the brain to produce TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). TSH tells the thyroid gland to start producing more thyroid hormones. …

Is your Thyroid Hormone being Converted to the active form? Read More »


The adrenal glands are two parts of your body that are located on top of the kidneys. They are mainly responsible for burning fats and proteins, controlling your blood sugar levels, regulating the blood pressure, and helping you effectively cope up with stress. On the other hand, the thyroid gland is the butterfly-shaped organ found …

Is it your THYROID, ADRENALS, or BOTH? Read More »

Could you be developing an autoimmune disease?

You could be developing an autoimmune disease, one of the most common diseases today, and are not aware of it. This is because autoimmune diseases sometimes start off as “silent” autoimmunity. This means your immune system is attacking tissue in your body but the damage isn’t bad enough to cause symptoms yet. Autoimmune disease is …

Could you be developing an autoimmune disease? Read More »